The fixed gear bike.
urban outfitters solidified this by putting them in their catalog (allowing each hipster to "personalize" the the bike with different colors, making them feel like they are different and stand out from the others). This has allowed the newborn hipsters access to these crappy bikes if they would perfer shell out a bunch of cash rather than go to a few yard sales. build your own over priced bike here!!!!!
For the less manly girls, there is a dilemma. If they were to own and ride a fixed gear, their flowy skirts would ride up , or their would look completely ridiculous hunched over on their way to their local used book store. Because of this, there has also been an uprising of the cruiser bikes, most notably, with baskets. This allows them to still conform to this stupid fad while looking cute carrying their moleskins and pressed flowers in their basket.. thank god.
i actually like bikes. and audrey hepburn.